June 14, 2016

How to Fill the Fiber Gap

Are you getting enough fiber? Even if you’re eating “healthy,” you may be a part of the population that falls into the “fiber gap” and falling short of the suggested intake, which can wreak havoc on your digestive and immune function. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends a daily fiber intake of 28 grams for men and 22 grams for women over 51 years old. However, the average American takes in only around 16 grams of fiber per day. Not everyone enjoys the foods that are rich in fiber. Luckily, there’s an endless array of fiber supplements on the […]
May 8, 2013

Do You Know The Risks of Fiber Diet Supplements?

It’s spring and, like many of my patients, you may be trying to get some extra weight off before summer and swimsuit season arrives.  I’ve recently been asked about those expanding fiber diet products many have seen advertised on television and the Internet.  The ads claim they cause you to effortlessly lose weight without changing your diet or exercise routine. I’d like to explain the pros and cons of using some of these products and let you be the judge of whether you want to use them or not.