June 12, 2018

Two Cups of This Improves Memory in 30 Days

I make a point to read a lot of research findings on many common foods and nutritional products that will boost heart health.  But, many people don’t know that your heart health is directly linked to your brain health.  As such, I came across the findings of a recent study that showed that a common food already found to boost heart health a few years ago is now being credited for improving brain health – specifically memory.  Let me tell you about it. The Heart Doctor’s Rx for Good Brain Health It’s generally accepted amongst doctors and medical researchers that […]
June 4, 2018

What Foods Help You Live Longer?

The most beautiful people I know are not model perfect. They are people who wear a gorgeous smile along with their glowing skin, bright eyes, healthy body and positive energy. They look good because they feel good, and they know the foods that can help them look and feel younger. But eating well doesn’t mean sacrificing the foods you love or giving up satisfying, great-tasting meals. My new book, The AGE BEAUTIFULLY Cookbook, is filled with delicious foods that also deliver the benefits of health, well-being and longevity. It’s not a diet program or a meal plan, but a way […]
March 27, 2018

Chocolate…As a Protein Substitute?

“Is it true that when you’re craving chocolate it means you’re protein deficient? I heard that once and started eating more
February 11, 2015

Let Me Count the Ways I Love Chocolate!

Valentine’s Day brightens up the otherwise dreary month of February, don’t you think? And of course, it’s just not
October 14, 2014

Chocolate May Help Reduce Stroke Risk

Women who munch a bar of chocolate every week could cut stroke risk by 20 percent. The finding is based on a study of more than 33,000 Swedish women who ate the most chocolate but had the lowest chance of stroke. People who ate 66 grams per week, about a bar and a half, were 20 percent less likely to suffer a stroke, while those who consumed eight grams a week or less were at the highest risk, reports the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The findings bolster previous studies that highlight the benefits of eating chocolate and cocoa, […]
August 26, 2014

Hypoglycemia: How To Manage Low Blood Sugar

I frequently see patients complaining that they can get “spacey”, i.e., unable to concentrate, words a little jumbled, headachy, or a little dizzy and irritable if they haven’t eaten for several hours. These are the basic symptoms caused by blood sugar falling a little low, or hypoglycemia, and it occurs from having gone too long without eating. Low blood sugar is a condition that can be remedied quickly with some orange juice, or raisins, right away, and then making sure you follow that with a more balanced nutritious meal. I’d like to share more detail about this condition with you, […]
December 23, 2013

My Sweet Chocolate: Cheers to Your Health

Almost everyone loves chocolate. On my travels through France I saw the most beautiful Parisian truffles—like