Discover Our Anti-Aging Recipes

The worlds of food and medicine have never been as connected as they are today, but we all have much to learn about anti-aging superfoods and the health benefits they offer. The anti-aging recipes on are developed to deliver a variety of healthy aging benefits along with great-tasting anti-aging dishes. Each recipe includes one of our 9 benefit icons, which include anti-inflammatory recipes, detox recipes, antioxidant recipes, disease preventing recipes, immunity boosting food, recipes for gut health, and much more.

At FoodTrients, we believe that eating for longevity should be both delicious and functional. Healthy aging is about wellness and vitality, and our anti-aging dishes, superfood recipes, anti-inflammatory food, and articles are a great way to spice up your life and your health.

Discover the benefits of anti-aging superfoods and how to age beautifully with our, anti-aging recipes, cookbooks, resources, and health news!

February 18, 2014

Vitamin D Could Slow Multiple Sclerosis

Patients in the early stages of multiple sclerosis (MS) could “stave off disease symptoms” by increasing their vitamin D intake, U.S. researchers said.
January 28, 2014

Protecting Your Brain And Revitalizing Your Memory!

The greatest gift you have as a human being is your intelligence… your “brain power.” Your ability to reason, to solve problems and, most important, to remember – is what makes you the individual that you are.
January 21, 2014

Fountain of Youth May Be Possible

U.S. and Australian researchers say the cause of aging in mammals may be reversible and the key is the chemical NAD that facilitates cell communication.
January 7, 2014

Control Aging With Food and Moves

Inevitably at the beginning
January 7, 2014

Stay Younger Longer with BHRT

It’s a New Year, 2014, and maybe the year when you decide to take the bull by the horns in your quest to stay younger, longer.  One of the best anti-aging therapies that have been put into use during the last decade is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy or BHRT for short.  If you’re over 50 and have been battling the annoying symptoms of aging, I’d like to tell you about the improvement, and/or relief, you can expect from BHRT. Lost Your Love Life in All Those Wrinkles and Belly Fat? Now, I know, that doesn’t sound appealing, but unfortunately it’s […]
December 24, 2013

Mutations Synergize to Extend Lifespan

An article published in Cell Reports describes the discovery of a significant extension of lifespan in worms known as C. elegans that were engineered to have two mutations linked to a longer life. The genetically modified worms lived up to five times longer than worms without the mutations.
December 23, 2013

Royal Jelly: A Superfood Fit for a Queen (or King!)

In the world of alternative medicine, the health benefits of some products can get hyped as “superfoods” and are all the rage for a while.  Then, it seems they fade away when they become replaced by the newest craze.  But some “superfoods” truly stand the test of time both in the health benefits they offer and their stability of popularity over the years.  I’d like to tell you about one of these products – a superfood fit for Queens (and Kings!) – whose health benefits you can depend on. This Superfood Gives Your Health The Royal Treatment Bees have been […]
December 17, 2013

What Do Bees Know About Human Health?

Although I’ve told my patients about the health benefits of bee propolis before, some recent research has shown its properties to be particularly useful to people over 50.  So, I’d like to update some new findings about this simple bee product that has so many outstanding health benefits to humans.
December 10, 2013

Sex May Be Secret To Good Health And Long Life

Males that expect sex — and don’t get it — experience serious health consequences and age faster, at least in fruit flies, U.S. researchers say.
December 3, 2013

Risk of Alzheimer’s In Older Population Decreasing Worldwide

Improved healthcare for physical and mental health are linked to a worldwide trend of less Alzheimer’s disease or delayed Alzheimer’s, U.S. researchers say.
November 19, 2013

Rosemary Extract Shows Promise For Memory Enhancement

Neuroscience 2013, held November 9-13, 2013 in San Diego, was the site of a presentation by Susan Farr, PhD of Saint Louis University of a benefit for extracts of rosemary and spearmint in an animal model of memory loss. The extracts contain antioxidants which help reduce aging-associated oxidative stress, which is believed to contribute to cognitive impairment that occurs among the aged.
November 6, 2013

Researchers Agree – These Foods Boost Longevity By 30%!

I’ve always told my patients they need to get more antioxidants – substances that fight aging – through fruits, vegetables and other foods.  But, there’s more to the anti-aging picture than just antioxidants.
October 30, 2013

Top 3 Anti-Aging Supplements

It’s no coincidence that our name is Life Extension. Our sole purpose is to find ways to extend the healthy, human life span. And if you haven’t noticed yet, it really is our passion. Of course, eating healthy and exercising are top priorities for any anti-aging program, but we think there’s more to the story than that.