April 23, 2024

Feeling Anxious? Relax with Holy Basil

Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States. Roughly 18% of Americans have this condition and many go untreated. It’s actually estimated that about two thirds of those suffering forgo medical treatment. Many are concerned about the side effects associated with anxiety medications, and rightfully so. They’re not exactly risk-free. Luckily, there are a number of safe herbs that not only alleviate anxiety, but offer additional health benefits as well. Below, we’ll explore the anti-anxiety effects of holy basil, one of nature’s best stress-relieving herbs. Holy Basil Offers Multiple Health Benefits Holy basil has been used traditionally in Asia for thousands of years. […]
April 9, 2024

6 Life-Extending Plant Extracts

An interesting article recently revealed the discovery of life-extending effects for six plant-derived extracts in experiments involving S. cerevisiae, a variety of yeast that is frequently the subject of aging research. Six new groups of molecules from plant extracts you most likely have heard of were found to slow down the aging process. Researchers found that extracts of black cohosh, valerian, purple passion flower, Ginkgo biloba, celery, and white willow bark extended the life span of S. cerevisiae. Do Plants Really Extend Life Span? In the case of white willow, the average and maximum life span increased by over 300%, which is […]
February 26, 2024

Plant Proteins Can Lead to a Longer Life

Swapping animal for plant protein in your diet can lead to a longer life, research has shown. A large study found that every three per cent increase in calories from plant protein reduced the risk of death from all causes by 10 per cent. It was also associated with a 12 per cent lower risk of death from heart disease. In contrast, raising the animal protein share of calories by 10 per cent led to a two per cent higher risk of all-cause death and an eight per cent greater chance of dying from a heart problem. Animal protein foods […]
January 29, 2024

Can These Seven Foods Help Boost Your Libido?

Does being between the sheets seem like a roller-coaster ride? There are few specific picks you should chow down on to boost your libido. According to nutritionists, what a guy eats can have a massive affect on his sex life and making simple changes can spice it up. Charlie Turner and Lee Foster, founders of Neat Nutrition have come up with seven magic foods that can boost their libido, says News.com.au Don’t wait, head to the market ASAP! Dark chocolate This wonder of nature is not good for what ? Dark chocolate increases serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, making us happy […]
November 17, 2023

Not All Proteins Are Created Equal

Most of us are aware that protein is the building block for muscles. However, not everyone is aware that protein is made up of various amino acids, all of which have special functions in the body. Adding to the confusion, there are also many types of protein to chose from (whey, egg, brown rice, pea, soy, hemp, etc.) – all of which have different amino acid profiles. There are 21 standard amino acids, of which nine are considered essential in humans. Essential amino acids can’t be made by the body like other amino acids are, so you need to get […]
November 7, 2023

What To Eat At Any Age to Fend Off Alzheimer’s

Put down the fork. Step away from the buffet table. UC Davis nutrition expert Liz Applegate wants us to think about exactly what we’re shoveling down our throats. Not just to lose weight but to protect our brains. “Brain food is real and it really does matter,” said Applegate, an author, professor and director of sports nutrition at UC Davis. She’s an advocate of the MIND diet, a combination of two long-studied diets that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. We talked with her recently about so-called “brain foods,” their impact on […]
October 23, 2023

How To Get Fit for Fall Eating Season

The fall and winter seasons, combined with the upcoming holidays, mean the re-emergence of those comforting classic dishes: Mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and a plethora of pastries. Many of the typical comfort foods are filled with calories and fat, plus the potential to overeat these dishes during the colder seasons is always tempting; but if you’re smart about it, you don’t have to deprive yourself, said Karen Bright, adult and youth nutrition outreach instructor for the WVU Extension Service. “The biggest thing people have problems with that I’ve noticed is portion size,” she said. “During the holidays and colder […]
October 12, 2023

A Brain-Specific Magnesium Relieves Stress

Chronic stress can be worsened by low levels of magnesium. A new form of magnesium has been shown to produce a brain-calming effect. In a 2022 report, the American Psychological Association noted that 73 percent of U.S. adults say they feel “overwhelmed by the number of crises facing the world right now.”1 Chronic stress has been linked to:2,3 Anxiety and depression Cardiovascular disease Obesity Menstrual problems Sexual dysfunction Gastrointestinal problems Hair and skin conditions People suffering from stress-related symptoms, depression, or anxiety often have low blood levels of magnesium.4 In a follow-up analysis of a clinical study, it was found that approximately 44 percent of participants screened for stress were magnesium deficient.5 Preclinical studies found […]
August 30, 2023

Age-Fighting Quercetin Is Anti-Inflammatory

Quercetin (pronounced kwer-suh-tin) has been in the news recently, and for good reason. This yellow pigment is a flavonoid that occurs in apples, grape skin, red onions, and green tea. While quercetin’s presence in foods has long been recognized, it has only been lately that some of its remarkable effects have come to light. Quercetin’s recently discovered properties include protective effects against cancer, cardiovascular disease, allergies and immune dysfunction — all of which, if prevented, could help improve or extend life. For life extensionists, however, the most exciting research involves the use of quercetin as a potential treatment for aging. […]