May 31, 2022

Dukka Spice Blend for Heart Health

This blend of nuts, seeds and spices originated in Egypt as a spread for flat bread or as a dip. Benefits: Nuts and sesame seeds have unsaturated omega-6 fatty acids which are considered heart-healthy. Focusing on unsaturated fatty acids rather than saturated fats can improve cardiovascular health. Coriander seeds contain magnesium (which helps lower blood pressure) and selenium (which protects the heart and regulates blood clotting). Sumac also can help to decrease blood pressure. Cumin has iron which transports oxygen around the body, and manganese which is part of an enzyme that fights free radicals. Yields about 1¾ cups   […]
December 10, 2019

Add Life To the Menu With Spice Mixes

As you probably know from history, North America was discovered by Columbus’ expedition in the 15th century because Europe wanted to find a shortcut to India, with whom they had been trading in valuable spices. Back then, spices were mostly used to help preserve food in the days before refrigeration and to mask the off flavor of food starting to spoil. In general, herbs are the fresh leaves of a plant, such as sage, oregano and basil. Spices are usually considered the seed, berry, bark, root or rhizome (creeping root) of a plant. In common practice, once fresh herbs are […]
December 15, 2014

Quinoa Tabbouleh on Pita

By changing the bulgur wheat usually found in tabbouleh with quinoa, you are getting a nutrient-dense gluten-free grain that acts as a complete protein. It also has silica for building collagen, which helps boost your skin’s elasticity. The tomatoes provide heart-healthy lycopene, the parsley gives us detoxifying chlorophyll and antioxidants, and the olive oil helps lower inflammation. To make this a gluten-free appetizer, swap the pita rounds for flaxseed crackers or eat the tabbouleh alone as a salad. SERVES 2 Ingredients 1/2 cup quinoa 1/2 tsp. kosher salt dissolved in 1 cup water 2 cups finely chopped parsley 1/2 cup […]