January 8, 2019

Ostrich (or Turkey) Meatballs

In my family we call these meatballs albondigas. I tweaked this recipe by making the broth out of green tea and using ostrich meat from a local farm. You can use store-bought vegetable broth instead of homemade. You can use it instead of the green tea, but you won’t get the same health benefits. You can use organic or free-range ground chicken or turkey instead of ostrich meat. The benefits include: Green tea leaves are full of catechins, theaflavins, and safranal, which are all cancer killers. Ostrich meat contains copper, riboflavin, and selenium. Copper is a necessary component of collagen […]
November 12, 2018

Roasted Veggies and Greens Salad

Roasted veggies aren’t just for fall anymore! They can fit into the diet year round when mixed with other fresh, seasonal choices. Root vegetables such as beets and carrots can be combined with a variety of greens and a light, lemony vinaigrette to make the perfect warm-weather salad. Quick and easy to make, try this roasted vegetable salad with summer greens this week. The veggies and greens are full of detoxifying fiber and chlorophyll. The colors point to disease-preventing Foodtrients. Serves 5 Ingredients 4 large carrots, peeled and diced 1 medium yellow onion, diced 3 medium purple beets, peeled and […]
January 21, 2017

Spicy Lentil Soup

Lentil soup is a nutritional powerhouse! When combined with other vegetables and spices, lentils will leave you feeling full longer than other types of soups. Part of the legume (bean) family, lentils contain high levels of both soluble and insoluble fiber, making them a satiating and low calorie choice, helpful for weight management. Soluble fiber absorbs water and creates a gel consistency that is known for binding cholesterol-containing bile and escorting it out of the body, helping you detox. Insoluble fiber consists of plant-compounds that the body cannot digest, helping contribute to healthy bowels. Together, this high fiber content can […]
November 22, 2013

Dressing Up Savory Stuffing

I use this stuffing for my Stuffed Turkey Rolls. Homemade croutons, raw celery, and sausages give this dish its unique flavor and texture. To serve as a side dish, spread the stuffing in a greased baking dish and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. YIELDS 2-3 cups Ingredients 4 Tbs. olive oil 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 lb. ground turkey 2 slices cubed whole-wheat bread Sea salt and ground pepper to taste 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning 1 cup turkey or chicken broth 1/4 cup chopped celery 1 can (5 oz.) mashed Chicken Vienna sausages (optional) Procedure 1. Heat 3 […]
March 29, 2011

Turkey in Turmeric Sauce

Turmeric, an anti-inflammatory, is a main ingredient in Indian curries. With its bright yellow color, turmeric pairs beautifully with poultry and fish. Its mild flavor goes well with garlic. Coconut milk has been much maligned for its saturated fat, but new research has revealed that its medium-chain fatty acids increase HDL, or “good” cholesterol, not LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. The fat in coconut milk supports the flavor of turmeric very well. For this recipe, I use only the thick liquid at the top of the can of coconut milk. To get double the turmeric benefits, serve it over Grace’s Turmeric […]