November 2, 2020

Kitchen Herbs And Spices Are Powerful Antioxidants

Like most of my patients, you’ve probably heard or read about the importance of getting enough antioxidants
August 19, 2019

Fenugreek: Try Its Bounty of Benefits

On those days when you are procrastinating by doing things like alphabetizing your spice rack, I’ll bet almost anything that you don’t have (and have probably never heard of, much less used) an herb called, fenugreek. Sometimes known as “Greek hay,” fenugreek is actually a member of the pea family. It’s grown mostly in the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East and India. Its seeds and leaves have been used all around the world for hundreds, if not thousands of years for medicinal purposes.  Both are also dried and ground for use as recipe ingredients for cooking. Fenugreek’s flavor is […]
November 28, 2017

The Best Herbs To Fight Your Stress

By Ginger Hultin, MS RDN CSO Stress: a multi-factorial problem for so many as we move through a busy and sometimes chaotic life. Under stress, the body has to adapt by altering a variety of hormones and making adjustments in blood pressure and other regulations. Stress could be emotional or mental – imagine a work deadline, relationship problems, or balancing money or family priorities. Stress could also be physical – toxins in our environment, an unhealthy diet, chemical exposure from cleaning and body products, or air pollution. Some stress is good; for example, physical activity challenges the body and helps […]
July 25, 2017

Plants That May Help Boost Sexual Performance

The earliest humans used plants for medicine as well as for food. By medieval times, people were making huge amounts of money trading spices around the globe. People wanted to make their food taste good, of course. But the perceived medicinal benefits also were extremely important. According to author Jack Turner, “In the medieval mind, spices and medicine were effectively one and the same. Not all drugs were spices, but all spices were drugs.” An 11th-century monk named Constantine wrote that ginger, cinnamon, galangal (a root related to ginger) and pepper could be used to treat impotence. Indeed, the search […]
March 7, 2017

Passionflower Eases Anxiety & May Help Sleep

Purple passion flower is an indigenous herb used both in food as well as medicinally also called Passionflower or Passiflora incarnata. You may also recognize it as Wild Passionflower, apricot Vine, Holy-Trinity flower, or Maypop. Dried aerial parts of this flower have been used as both a sedative and hypnotic for sleep and relaxation. This herb has also been used to help with gastrointestinal distress caused by nerves. There is evidence that Native American tribes including the Houma and Cherokee used it both in their diets as well as medicinally. Purple Passionflower is a perennial vine that blooms in the […]
June 21, 2016

Olive and Herb Tapenade

Summer entertaining? Whether you’re hosting a barbeque, a birthday, or a party in the garden, be sure to offer your guests healthy and savory appetizers. A Mediterranean tapenade rich with olives, garlic and herbs is the perfect hearty pre-dinner snack. Olives are full of anti-inflammatory heart-healthy fat and packed with briny flavor.  Serve this tapenade with whole wheat pita, crackers, or the vegetables of your choice. YIELDS 1 Cup Ingredients 1 cup kalamata olives, pitted 2 Tbs. capers, drained ½ tsp. dried oregano 2-3 leaves fresh basil, ripped into small pieces 1 medium clove garlic, minced ¼ tsp. freshly ground […]
June 11, 2016

How To Be Your Own Herbalist

Herbs don’t have television or magazine ads touting their benefits and yet, in many instances, they perform just as well as(and sometimes better than) the pharmaceuticals we constantly hear and read about. Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, DNM,  who is an herbalist and the bestselling author of The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan, agrees. In her new book, Be Your Own Herbalist: Essential Herbs for Health, Beauty, and Cooking,  she has compiled a complete guide to 31 common and easy-to-grow herbs, and includes ways to incorporate them into your daily life. While pharmaceuticals can be life saving, neglected herbal remedies can […]