June 20, 2023

Mamma Mia! Chia Frescas!

Aguas frescas are popular, refreshing fruit drinks found in Mexico. Some roadside vendors add chia seeds to their drinks for extra texture. When soaked, the seeds develop a soft outer coating, somewhat like tapioca. Chia seeds add more than just a textural dimension to fruit drinks; they also provide detoxifying fiber and the anti-inflammatory omega-3s. Their nutty flavor goes well with peach tea and strawberry lemonade. They’re also nice mixed into sweetened green tea. SERVES 2 Ingredients 2 Tbs. white chia seeds 1/2 cup water 3 sliced strawberries 2 Tbs. lemon juice (about 1 lemon) 2 Tbs. agave nectar or […]