October 10, 2023

Anti-Inflammatory Foods: the Top 10

There’s a connecting between inflammation and anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle that’s important to your health. What you eat has a big influence. Inflammation is a natural response of the body in times of illness or stress. For example, if you cut your hand, you would experience pain, redness, swelling, and irritation to the area. This is inflammation that you can see – and it’s an important part of healing — but this response also happens internally and if left unchecked, can cause chronic health problems. Chronically elevated inflammation is associated with cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and other cognitive issues, type 2 […]
July 19, 2022

Do You Eat Your Feelings? Here’s a Food Mood Guide

If you are feeling sad, stressed, exhausted, hangry, or bored, it’s comforting to eat dishes you love and crave. But Lindsey Smith shows how simple it is to make those same meals and snacks with mood-boosting ingredients that will physically nourish instead of processed foods. In Eat Your Feelings: The Food Mood Girl’s Guide to Transforming Your Emotional Eating With Recipes, Lindsey Smith, the Food Mood Girl, will look at ways to eat healthy food based on what people tend to crave the most during heightened emotional states, introducing recipes with crunchy, cheesy, creamy, sweet, and salty themes and drink […]