May 2, 2017

5 Easy Steps Towards Healthier Eating Habits

If you’re pressed on time and are just curious about simple steps you can take to improve your eating habits, read on – even the busiest person can benefit from this list of 5 easy steps towards healthier eating habits. Eat Those Fruits And Veggies! Seriously! Fruits and vegetables are like, insanely good for you. They’re loaded with minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that you need for a healthy body. And here’s the best part – by weight, most fruits and vegetables contain about 4x fewer calories than grains, starches, and meats! That means you get to eat more – and […]
March 23, 2016

World Is Hungry for Better Food

Over one billion people in the world are hungry and over one billion are overweight. Far from complete opposites, hunger and obesity are in fact different manifestations of the same problem: It’s increasingly difficult to find and eat nutritious food. In her new book, We the Eaters, author Ellen Gustafson describes how fast food corporations and junk food convenience stores are muscling out indigenous farming practices and wholesome food not only in our country, but around the world. Developing nations are getting a double whammy, she says, as nutrient-deficient junk food creates growth-stunting hunger in children, and she documents how […]
April 27, 2011

About Grace O.

About Grace O Grace O has been baking and cooking professionally and recreationally all of her adult life. As a child in Southeast Asia, Miss Grace learned the culinary arts by her mother’s side in her family’s cooking school. She became so well versed in hospitality, she eventually took over the cooking school and opened three restaurants. She is widely credited with popularizing shrimp on sugar-cane skewers and being one of the first culinarians to make tapas a global trend. She has cooked for ruling families and royalty. Grace O’s move to America precipitated a career in healthcare, inspired by […]