February 5, 2019

Health Tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Fiber up, blood pressure down “You are what you eat” is an old saying originally penned in 1826 by the gastronomic food-wizard Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in his essay on the physiology of gout. He wrote, “Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es” [Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are]. The same could be said for the trillions of bacteria in your guts: You are what they eat. Researchers have known for a while that the gut biome needs to be fed soluble fiber found in grains, veggies and fruits for […]
January 29, 2019

Olive Oil Markedly Extends Human Lifespan

Those who follow a Mediterranean diet have an increased quality of life with a lower mortality rate. The Mediterranean diet consists of a low intake of red meat and sweets with greater emphasis on fish, vegetables, mixed nuts, whole grains, wine (moderate consumption), and olive oil. Unrefined extra virgin olive oil, a chief component of the Mediterranean diet, has been given significant credit for the diet’s health-promoting ability, especially with its rich polyphenol content. Today, substantial new findings further validate extra virgin olive oil’s benefits for cardiovascular, bone, and brain health. Several of these studies were large-scale clinical trials on humans. One study in particular caught mainstream media attention. This study, […]
January 29, 2019

Your Brain Works Better With More Nutrients

The March 2019 issue of NeuroImage published findings from researchers at the University of Illinois of an association between higher plasma levels of specific nutrients and improved brain connectivity and cognitive performance in older individuals. The study included 116 participants aged 65 and 75 years. Plasma samples collected from the subjects were analyzed for 32 nutrients that are present in significant amounts in a Mediterranean diet. Subjects underwent tests of general intelligence, executive function and memory. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain assessed brain network efficiency within seven connectivity networks. “The basic question we were asking was whether diet and nutrition are […]
January 28, 2019

Lose Belly Fat Faster: Forget These 6 Foods!

There are only 2 months to go before spring is officially here and I know you’re struggling to meet that deadline for your weight loss goals.  You may not realize, though, that a few of the common foods you eat everyday could keep you from achieving your goals.  Let me tell you what they are and how leaving them out of your diet can help you lose weight faster. 6 Surprising Foods That Can Keep You Fat Let’s be honest.  Dieting is tough work.  You try to eat the right foods and maintain good nutrition at the same time you have to […]
January 2, 2019

Is A High Carb Diet Good For Older Brains?

Research published in the November 20, 2018 issue of Cell Reports suggests a potential benefit for a diet low in protein and high in complex carbohydrates in older individuals. Acting on the findings of a study conducted in 2015 at the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre which revealed that a low-protein, high- carbohydrate diet was as effective as a calorie restricted diet in regard to extending the life of mice, Professor of Geriatric Medicine David G. Le Couteur and colleagues evaluated the effects of three unrestricted low-protein, high-carbohydrate diets and a control diet on the brain’s hippocampus, which is an area involved in […]
November 18, 2018

Liver Recovers Faster On Low-Sugar Diet

Liver damage caused by diet high in fat, sugar and cholesterol may be difficult to reverse even if the diet is generally improved, a new study shows. The damage can also lead to more serious health problems, such as cirrhosis or even cancer, the study says. For more significant liver recovery, the intake of sugar has to come down, probably along with other improvements in diet and exercise, said Donald Jump, a professor at Oregon State University in US. Researchers found that diets low in fat and cholesterol could, in fact, help with weight loss, improved metabolism and health. But, […]
October 9, 2018

It’s National Cholesterol Education Month

Before biting into that juicy steak, take a moment to think about your cholesterol level. Is it high? High cholesterol usually has no symptoms but can increase the risk of heart disease. The month of September has been designated as National Cholesterol Education Month. It’s the ideal time to have your levels checked and then take steps to bring your levels down if necessary. What is cholesterol, anyway? Cholesterol is a waxy substance that circulates in the blood. It is found in animal foods including butter, meat, cheese and eggs. In addition to the amount absorbed from food, bloods levels […]
October 9, 2018

Regenerative Medicine: Reverse Aging?

The old paradigm of medicine is rapidly changing. People are becoming aware of the limitations of modern medicine which basically are centered around controlling symptoms, but not really curing. Elisa Lottor, Ph.D., HMD, is an expert in nutrition, homeopathy, and energy medicine with a special interest in regenerative medicine and women’s health. An international lecturer and consultant, she has had a homeopathy and nutrition practice for more than 30 years. Her new book, The Miracle of Regenerative Medicine: How to Naturally Reverse the Aging Process is about THE new paradigm that’s emerging in the field of medicine and healthcare. This […]
September 11, 2018

How To Feed Your Brain Every Day

Our diet has a huge effect on our brain and our mental wellbeing, even protecting against dementia. So, what should be on the menu? Like our bodies, our brains have very specific food requirements. And in this eye-opening book from an author who is both a neuroscientist and a certified integrative nutritionist, we learn what should be on our menu. Dr. Lisa Mosconi, whose research spans an extraordinary range of specialties including brain science, the microbiome, and nutritional genomics, notes in her new book, Brain Food, that the dietary needs of the brain are substantially different from those of the […]