December 29, 2015

Life Over Cancer: An Integrative Approach To Treatment

Recently, Grace Mercado Ouano (Grace O), owner and CEO of three skilled nursing facilities in California and noted wellness and anti-aging cookbook author, hosted over 100 physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals at the third annual New Roads to Health events.  The seminars, conducted over three days and culminating at the Education Center at the Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital in Valencia, CA, featured Dr. Keith Block, Medical & Scientific Director at the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment in Skokie, IL. Dr. Block is a medical doctor who during his 30+ year career has treated over 15,000 people with cancer. Dr. […]
December 28, 2015

Extra Fish Consumption Prevents Hearing Loss

Women who eat fish regularly have a lower risk of developing hearing loss compared to women who rarely or never eat fish, according to a study. Researchers speculate that the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish may help maintain good blood flow to the inner ear, BBChealth reported. These are two questions commonly used to screen for hearing loss, which affects more than one-third of people over age 65. Women who ate two or more servings of fish per week had a 20 percent lower risk of hearing loss, according to researchers. Eating any type of fish – whether it’s tuna, […]
December 14, 2015

What Exactly Makes Up A Healthy Diet?

Put 20 of the world’s top nutrition scientists in a room together and what do you get? A 90-minute debate about what a vegetable is and, specifically, whether tubers such as potatoes fit in that category. While the scientists couldn’t come to a consensus on potatoes at the recent Oldways conference, they did — finally — provide clarity overall on what we’re supposed to eat as part of a healthful diet: more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low- or non-fat dairy, seafood, legumes and nuts. The group also recommended moderate alcohol consumption, with lower consumption of red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened […]
December 7, 2015

Curcumin May Fight Melanoma

Melanoma is one of the fastest growing cancers in the world. Globally, in 2012, it affected a staggering 232,000 people and resulted in 55,000 deaths. Interestingly enough, curcumin, from the spice turmeric, may actually help to treat this deadly disease, according to research. In fact, a new study out of Brazil shows curcumin alone or in combination with another drug may help to stop the progression of the disease. The results were published in the journal, PLoS One. Curcumin Reduced Tumor Size and Increased Survival Melanoma is showing resistance to commonly used chemotherapy, leading scientists to look for alternatives. To […]
November 23, 2015

Resveratrol: The Nutrient That Fights Bone Loss

Historians acknowledge the ancient Greek philosopher, Hippocrates, as the father of medicine. He’s perhaps most remembered by naturopathic physicians for his famous quote, “Let food be thy medicine”. As we get further into the 21st century, it’s amazing that instead of creating more synthetic drugs to treat conditions, medical researchers are more and more looking at what Nature has already created that we’re not using. That’s why I want to tell you about this “new” treatment for building bone density, especially in older men. It’s actually been in most of our diets for ages but we’re just starting to learn […]
November 16, 2015

California’s Longevity Hotspot

The U.S. is known for its skyrocketing rates of obesity and diabetes. But there’s a pocket of people (around 9,000) who have been found to live relatively longer and healthier life, on average. They are the Seventh Day Adventists of Loma Linda, California. People from this region tend to live about 4–10 years longer than the average Californian and make up one of the longevity hot spots in the world. So what is it about this community that makes them special? Below, we’ll examine their lifestyle and habits. How Do They Compare to Other Americans? The Loma Lindans are the […]
November 3, 2015

Grapefruit Juice Supports Healthy Arteries

Want to hydrate your way toward a healthier heart? Then you may want to consider adding grapefruit juice into your diet. Why? Because a recent study found that grapefruit juice enriched with the bioflavenoid naringenin actually improved a marker associated with arterial function. The results of the study were published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Grapefruit Juice with Naringenin Decreased Arterial Stiffness Previous research shows citrus bioflavonoids support blood vessel function. They strengthen blood vessel walls, decrease bruising, prevent bleeding, and heal hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids are swollen veins). Of the group of citrus bioflavonoids, naringenin stands out. For the current study, […]
October 27, 2015

Stop The Misery of Eczema with These Natural Methods

  If you’ve got eczema that flares up from time to time, or is chronic, you know how uncomfortable, and embarrassing, it can be.  You’ve likely tried every skin cream and/or prescription medication that’s out there.  But, you may have never been told that eczema flares may actually be linked to the health of your gut.  Let me tell you why… Probiotics May Help Your Eczema More Than Drugs Eczema is a condition governed by the autoimmune system.  It presents itself as an allergic dermatitis.  Researchers now think that flareups of eczema are linked to fungal overgrowths in the gut, […]
October 26, 2015

Sunflower Seeds: Nutritional Powerhouse

Sunflower seeds may be small but nevertheless they are still a powerhouses of nutrients, a rich source of easily digestible protein which is essential for the repair of tissues, nerves, and cells. Research shows eating them on a regular basis helps lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. They have a wide range health benefits due to the fast array of nutrients they contain. A fertility aid They can help boost your fertility as they contain high amounts of zinc. Zinc is a well-researched mineral that is essential for the development of sperm in men and it […]
October 24, 2015

Beets Show Major Health Benefits

Americans generally don’t like beets. People online put the bulbous red root on par with anchovies, chicken liver and Brussels sprouts. It’s hard to hit a root too low, but people typically say that beets taste like dirt, with less hostile commentary simply referring to them as “earthy.” Even President Barack Obama says he doesn’t like beets, which are never served at the White House, although it hasn’t sparked the level of controversy generated by President George H.W. Bush’s disdain for broccoli. But research now is rooting for the beet as the Steve Jobs of the vegetable world — generally […]
October 12, 2015

Good Food on a Tight Budget

The Environmental Working Group continues to be a leader in providing quality information to the consumer regarding health issues and environmental resources. They have recently released a list of healthy foods that you can eat on a shoestring budget. EWG assessed nearly 1,200 foods and hand-picked the best 100 or so that pack in nutrients at a good price, with the fewest pesticides, contaminants and artificial ingredients. Broken down into seven categories, EWG lists the best foods in each. Fruits: These fruits pack the most nutrition for the lowest cost, are low in sugar and toxic pesticides and have plenty of […]
September 17, 2015

Foods That Build Better Bones and Teeth

We all want strong bones and teeth. As we age, we tend to grow wary of developing osteoporosis. Exercise, especially weight and resistance training, certainly helps strengthen our bones. Our diet can be a boon to bone health as well. Certain FoodTrients—such as isoflavones and potassium—can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Eating foods rich in these FoodTrients and in calcium and protein can go a long way toward developing a beautiful skeleton. Calcium promotes bone growth, proper nerve signaling, helps our blood to clot, and regulates blood pressure. It can be found in abundance in dairy products, […]
September 8, 2015

Can You Skip Breakfast While Dieting?

Skipping Breakfast Doesn’t Affect Weight Loss, Study Says: With unpredictable schedules and day-to-day activities that rarely fall into the “routine” category, people often find themselves skipping meals. Because of this, dieting can become something of a challenge. However, a new study shows that skipping breakfast doesn’t affect weight loss for those dieting, despite the traditional wisdom that a nutritious breakfast is a healthy way to start your day. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked at over 300 healthy overweight and obese people, with one group eating breakfast before 10 a.m. and the other group not consuming any […]